Moringa Oleifera – Magic Power Tree

India being the source of Medicinal Plants and origin of miracle Moringa tree called “Moringa Oleifera”Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree or the horseradish tree and many more names. Its used since from ancient times both because of its nutritional qualities and regenerative power concentrated within its leaves. Moringa provides health, well-being, vitality and harmony.Moringa tree has significant Therapeutic and Nutritional values that determine the Antioxidant potential with the highest among all known plants.


With its 46 antioxidant elements, it helps to neutralize free radicals, which, accumulating, are associated to several human illnesses.

Heart Health

Polyphenols, Beta-Sitosterol and Vitamin K reduce fat deposits inside blood vessels, acting as cardio protectors.


Because of its high content in Antioxidants, B-Group Vitamins, Omega-3, Chromium and Zinc, Moringa possesses a high hypoglycemic effect (regulating blood-sugar levels).


36 of the compounds contained in the Moringa leaf protect from infection and stimulate the immune system, leading to decreased inflammation.


The main compound responsible for this is Benzyl Isothiocyanate (BITC), which has bactericidal properties over several pathogenic agents.


All Antioxidants are Phytochemicals that modulate enzymatic activity, facilitating detoxification and promoting anti-tumoral activities within the body. And Moringa is the queen of Antioxidants.


Salvestrols are the natural response to cancer. Chemical substances that modulate the enzymatic activity and boost detoxification, resulting in an antitumoral effect.

Intestinal Protection

Moringa is a powerful aid to combat intestinal infections and cleanse the flora, as it's high in Vitamin B12, which participates in blood production and stimulates the immune system.

Our Latest Products

Moringa tree also called as ``Tree of Life`` in India. Its special pack of high content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals

X Vitamin A of carrots.


X more iron than spinach.


X Vitamin C of oranges.


X Potassium of bananas.


Anti-aging oil Natural glow Fights acne, black heads and dark spots Cures cuts, burns and rashes


Moisturizes scalp Stronger hair Fights dandruff and split ends


Vitamin C Supplies energy Induces good sleep Protects bones, soothes nervous system